Alfabetik Ödüllü kişi arama
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Aleksandr Soljenitsin Gulag'ta mahkum (1953)
Aleksandr İsayeviç Soljenitsin (d. 11 Aralık 1918, Kuzey Kafkasya, Kislovodsk), 1970 Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü sahibi Rus yazardır.
1942'de üniversite diplomasını aldı. 1939-1945 arasında dört sene Sovyet ordusunda görev aldı. 1942 yılında yüzbaşı rütbesiyle İkinci Dünya Savaşı'na katıldı. Ancak cephedeyken yazdığı mektuplarda Stalin hakkında eleştirilerini belirtince tutuklandı ve sekiz yıl ceza kampında hapis cezasına çarptırıldı. Sovyetler Birliği'nin Hitler'le uzlaşma yolu bulmasının savaşı önleyebileceğini, bu yüzden Sovyet halkının savaştan dolayı yaşadığı yıkımdan Stalin'in Hitler'den daha fazla sorumlu olduğunu iddia etti. Savaş bittikten sonra Moskova yakınlarındaki bir hapishaneye konulan Soljenitsin, 1950'de Kazakistan'da bulunan Ekibastus'ta siyasal tutuklular için düzenlenmiş özel bir kampa gönderildi ve üç yıl burada kaldı. Onu izleyen yıllarda istenmeyen kişi (persona non grata) ilan edildiği için sürgüne gönderildi.
Kazakistan'ın Kok Terek köyünde öğretmenlik yapmaya başlayan yazar, bu dönemde kansere yakalandı ve bir süre Taşkent'te tedavi gördü. Yeni parti şefi Nikita Kruşçev tarafından başlatılan Stalin'in etkilerini ortadan kaldırmaya yönelik operasyonlar çerçevesinde hakları geri verildiği için Ryasan'da çalışmasına olanak tanındı. 1962'de "İvan Denisoviç'in Bir Günü" adlı kitabını çıkardı. Bu öyküsünün başarısı üzerine kendini tamamen yazarlığa veren Soljenitsin, zorunlu çalışmayı anlatan Stalin karşıtı bu yapıtıyla Kruşçev'in takdirini kazandı ve bir yıl sonra Sovyet Yazarlar Birliği'ne kabul edildi. Ancak "Matrenin dvor" ve "Dlya polsu dela" adlı öyküleriyle tekrar partinin hedef tahtası haline geldi. 1966'da yazara ülke dışına çıkma yasağı konuldu ve üç yıl sonra Yazarlar Birliği'nden çıkartıldı.
Yaşadığı dönem boyunca çeşitli cezalara çarptırılan Aleksandr Isayeviç Soljenitsin çalışma kampları hakkındaki kitabı Gulag Takımadaları ile Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü'ni kazandı. Kitabı kapitalist ülkelerde yayına girdi ve anti-Sovyet propagandanın öğelerinden biri oldu. Yazar kendisine verilen 1970 Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü'nü dört yıl sonra alabildi. Bu ödülün kendisine politik nedenlerle verildiği iddia edildi. 1974´te Sovyet hükümeti Soljenitsin´in vatandaşlığını iptal etti ve onu sınırdışı etti. İki sene İsviçre´de kaldıktan sonra 1976´da Amerika Birleşik Devletleri´ne yerleşti. Bu dönemde Soljenitsin Vietnam'a Amerikan müdahalesini deslekledi, Vietnemda Amerikalı tutsakların köleştirildiğini iddia etti. 1974 Portekiz Devrimi'ne karşı Amerika'nın müdahale etmesi gerektiğini savundu. ABD ve Sovyetler Birliği barışı hakkında yazan Amerikalı yazarları eleştirdi. 1989'da yeniden Yazarlar Birliği'ne alındı. O dönem iktidarda bulunan Mikhail Gorbaçov, yazarın yurttaşlık haklarının geri verilmesi doğrultusunda çalışmalar başlattı ve sürgünüyle ilgili kararı 1991 yılında resmen kaldırttı. 1994'te Rusya'ya dönen yazar parlamento önünde yaptığı konuşmada Rusya'nın kendisine göre hatalarla dolu demokrasiye geçiş şeklini eleştirdi.
Edebiyat hayatı
Soljenitsin´in romanlari hapis ve savaş deneyimlerini anlatır. Ivan Denisoviç´in Yaşamında Bir Gün (1962) ve İlk Çember (1964) hapis sahneleri icerir. Kanser Koğuşu (1966) bir hastahanede gecmektedir. Hapishane ve hastahane imgelerini toplumsal simgeler olarak kullanarak yazar, devrimci ideallerle sert politik gerceklikler arasindaki celiskiyi gösterir. Kahramanlari, tiranlik ve zulüm üzerindeki onurun zaferini belirtirler.
Soljenitsin bu bağlamda, Kirmizi Tekerlek adinda dört ciltlik uzun bir tarihsel roman tasarlamistir. Birinci cilt, Ağustos 1914 (1971) 1914´deki 1. Dünya Savasi´ni anlatir. Bu romanin 1917 Ekim Devrimi´nin tarihsel anlamina vurgu yapan genisletilmis ve düzenlenmis bir baskisi 1989´da yayinlanmistir. Ikinci cilt, Kasim 1916 1993´de yayimlanmistir.
1960´ların sonu ve 1970´lerin başında, Sovyet hükümeti Soljenitsin´i romanlarında ülkesini küçük düşürdüğü icin suçlamış ve 1973´te Paris´te yayınladığı üç ciltlik Gulag Takımadaları, 1918-1956 romanından sonra da bu baskılarını arttırmıştır. Bu kitap, Sovyet hapishane kamplarının bir incelemesiydi. Gulag Takımadaları´nın iki cildi 1975´te, üçüncü cildi de 1976´da yayımlandi. Soljenitsin, Sovyetler Birliği´ndeki son yıllarından Görünmez Müttefikler (1971) ve Meşe ve Dana (1975) otobiyografilerinde bahsetmiştir. 1990´da, Sovyet hükümeti yazarın vatandaşlığını geri verdi ve Soljenitsin 1994´te Rusya´ya geri döndü.
I was born at Kislovodsk on 11th December, 1918. My father had studied philological subjects at Moscow University, but did not complete his studies, as he enlisted as a volunteer when war broke out in 1914. He became an artillery officer on the German front, fought throughout the war and died in the summer of 1918, six months before I was born. I was brought up by my mother, who worked as a shorthand-typist, in the town of Rostov on the Don, where I spent the whole of my childhood and youth, leaving the grammar school there in 1936. Even as a child, without any prompting from others, I wanted to be a writer and, indeed, I turned out a good deal of the usual juvenilia. In the 1930s, I tried to get my writings published but I could not find anyone willing to accept my manuscripts. I wanted to acquire a literary education, but in Rostov such an education that would suit my wishes was not to be obtained. To move to Moscow was not possible, partly because my mother was alone and in poor health, and partly because of our modest circumstances. I therefore began to study at the Department of Mathematics at Rostov University, where it proved that I had considerable aptitude for mathematics. But although I found it easy to learn this subject, I did not feel that I wished to devote my whole life to it. Nevertheless, it was to play a beneficial role in my destiny later on, and on at least two occasions, it rescued me from death. For I would probably not have survived the eight years in camps if I had not, as a mathematician, been transferred to a so-called sharashia, where I spent four years; and later, during my exile, I was allowed to teach mathematics and physics, which helped to ease my existence and made it possible for me to write. If I had had a literary education it is quite likely that I should not have survived these ordeals but would instead have been subjected to even greater pressures. Later on, it is true, I began to get some literary education as well; this was from 1939 to 1941, during which time, along with university studies in physics and mathematics, I also studied by correspondence at the Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature in Moscow.
In 1941, a few days before the outbreak of the war, I graduated from the Department of Physics and Mathematics at Rostov University. At the beginning of the war, owing to weak health, I was detailed to serve as a driver of horsedrawn vehicles during the winter of 1941-1942. Later, because of my mathematical knowledge, I was transferred to an artillery school, from which, after a crash course, I passed out in November 1942. Immediately after this I was put in command of an artillery-position-finding company, and in this capacity, served, without a break, right in the front line until I was arrested in February 1945. This happened in East Prussia, a region which is linked with my destiny in a remarkable way. As early as 1937, as a first-year student, I chose to write a descriptive essay on "The Samsonov Disaster" of 1914 in East Prussia and studied material on this; and in 1945 I myself went to this area (at the time of writing, autumn 1970, the book August 1914 has just been completed).
I was arrested on the grounds of what the censorship had found during the years 1944-45 in my correspondence with a school friend, mainly because of certain disrespectful remarks about Stalin, although we referred to him in disguised terms. As a further basis for the "charge", there were used the drafts of stories and reflections which had been found in my map case. These, however, were not sufficient for a "prosecution", and in July 1945 I was "sentenced" in my absence, in accordance with a procedure then frequently applied, after a resolution by the OSO (the Special Committee of the NKVD), to eight years in a detention camp (at that time this was considered a mild sentence).
I served the first part of my sentence in several correctional work camps of mixed types (this kind of camp is described in the play, The Tenderfoot and the Tramp). In 1946, as a mathematician, I was transferred to the group of scientific research institutes of the MVD-MOB (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of State Security). I spent the middle period of my sentence in such "SPECIAL PRISONS" (The First Circle). In 1950 I was sent to the newly established "Special Camps" which were intended only for political prisoners. In such a camp in the town of Ekibastuz in Kazakhstan (One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich), I worked as a miner, a bricklayer, and a foundryman. There I contracted a tumour which was operated on, but the condition was not cured (its character was not established until later on).
One month after I had served the full term of my eight-year sentence, there came, without any new judgement and even without a "resolution from the OSO", an administrative decision to the effect that I was not to be released but EXILED FOR LIFE to Kok-Terek (southern Kazakhstan). This measure was not directed specially against me, but was a very usual procedure at that time. I served this exile from March 1953 (on March 5th, when Stalin's death was made public, I was allowed for the first time to go out without an escort) until June 1956. Here my cancer had developed rapidly, and at the end of 1953, I was very near death. I was unable to eat, I could not sleep and was severely affected by the poisons from the tumour. However, I was able to go to a cancer clinic at Tashkent, where, during 1954, I was cured (The Cancer Ward, Right Hand). During all the years of exile, I taught mathematics and physics in a primary school and during my hard and lonely existence I wrote prose in secret (in the camp I could only write down poetry from memory). I managed, however, to keep what I had written, and to take it with me to the European part of the country, where, in the same way, I continued, as far as the outer world was concerned, to occupy myself with teaching and, in secret, to devote myself to writing, at first in the Vladimir district (Matryona's Farm) and afterwards in Ryazan.
During all the years until 1961, not only was I convinced that I should never see a single line of mine in print in my lifetime, but, also, I scarcely dared allow any of my close acquaintances to read anything I had written because I feared that this would become known. Finally, at the age of 42, this secret authorship began to wear me down. The most difficult thing of all to bear was that I could not get my works judged by people with literary training. In 1961, after the 22nd Congress of the U.S.S.R. Communist Party and Tvardovsky's speech at this, I decided to emerge and to offer One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.
Such an emergence seemed, then, to me, and not without reason, to be very risky because it might lead to the loss of my manuscripts, and to my own destruction. But, on that occasion, things turned out successfully, and after protracted efforts, A.T. Tvardovsky was able to print my novel one year later. The printing of my work was, however, stopped almost immediately and the authorities stopped both my plays and (in 1964) the novel, The First Circle, which, in 1965, was seized together with my papers from the past years. During these months it seemed to me that I had committed an unpardonable mistake by revealing my work prematurely and that because of this I should not be able to carry it to a conclusion.
It is almost always impossible to evaluate at the time events which you have already experienced, and to understand their meaning with the guidance of their effects. All the more unpredictable and surprising to us will be the course of future events.
From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1968-1980, Editor-in-Charge Tore Frängsmyr, Editor Sture Allén, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1993
This autobiography/biography was written at the time of the award and first published in the book series Les Prix Nobel. It was later edited and republished in Nobel Lectures. To cite this document, always state the source as shown above.
Aleksandr İsayeviç Soljenitsin (d. 11 Aralık 1918, Kuzey Kafkasya, Kislovodsk), 1970 Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü sahibi Rus yazardır.
1942'de üniversite diplomasını aldı. 1939-1945 arasında dört sene Sovyet ordusunda görev aldı. 1942 yılında yüzbaşı rütbesiyle İkinci Dünya Savaşı'na katıldı. Ancak cephedeyken yazdığı mektuplarda Stalin hakkında eleştirilerini belirtince tutuklandı ve sekiz yıl ceza kampında hapis cezasına çarptırıldı. Sovyetler Birliği'nin Hitler'le uzlaşma yolu bulmasının savaşı önleyebileceğini, bu yüzden Sovyet halkının savaştan dolayı yaşadığı yıkımdan Stalin'in Hitler'den daha fazla sorumlu olduğunu iddia etti. Savaş bittikten sonra Moskova yakınlarındaki bir hapishaneye konulan Soljenitsin, 1950'de Kazakistan'da bulunan Ekibastus'ta siyasal tutuklular için düzenlenmiş özel bir kampa gönderildi ve üç yıl burada kaldı. Onu izleyen yıllarda istenmeyen kişi (persona non grata) ilan edildiği için sürgüne gönderildi.
Kazakistan'ın Kok Terek köyünde öğretmenlik yapmaya başlayan yazar, bu dönemde kansere yakalandı ve bir süre Taşkent'te tedavi gördü. Yeni parti şefi Nikita Kruşçev tarafından başlatılan Stalin'in etkilerini ortadan kaldırmaya yönelik operasyonlar çerçevesinde hakları geri verildiği için Ryasan'da çalışmasına olanak tanındı. 1962'de "İvan Denisoviç'in Bir Günü" adlı kitabını çıkardı. Bu öyküsünün başarısı üzerine kendini tamamen yazarlığa veren Soljenitsin, zorunlu çalışmayı anlatan Stalin karşıtı bu yapıtıyla Kruşçev'in takdirini kazandı ve bir yıl sonra Sovyet Yazarlar Birliği'ne kabul edildi. Ancak "Matrenin dvor" ve "Dlya polsu dela" adlı öyküleriyle tekrar partinin hedef tahtası haline geldi. 1966'da yazara ülke dışına çıkma yasağı konuldu ve üç yıl sonra Yazarlar Birliği'nden çıkartıldı.
Yaşadığı dönem boyunca çeşitli cezalara çarptırılan Aleksandr Isayeviç Soljenitsin çalışma kampları hakkındaki kitabı Gulag Takımadaları ile Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü'ni kazandı. Kitabı kapitalist ülkelerde yayına girdi ve anti-Sovyet propagandanın öğelerinden biri oldu. Yazar kendisine verilen 1970 Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü'nü dört yıl sonra alabildi. Bu ödülün kendisine politik nedenlerle verildiği iddia edildi. 1974´te Sovyet hükümeti Soljenitsin´in vatandaşlığını iptal etti ve onu sınırdışı etti. İki sene İsviçre´de kaldıktan sonra 1976´da Amerika Birleşik Devletleri´ne yerleşti. Bu dönemde Soljenitsin Vietnam'a Amerikan müdahalesini deslekledi, Vietnemda Amerikalı tutsakların köleştirildiğini iddia etti. 1974 Portekiz Devrimi'ne karşı Amerika'nın müdahale etmesi gerektiğini savundu. ABD ve Sovyetler Birliği barışı hakkında yazan Amerikalı yazarları eleştirdi. 1989'da yeniden Yazarlar Birliği'ne alındı. O dönem iktidarda bulunan Mikhail Gorbaçov, yazarın yurttaşlık haklarının geri verilmesi doğrultusunda çalışmalar başlattı ve sürgünüyle ilgili kararı 1991 yılında resmen kaldırttı. 1994'te Rusya'ya dönen yazar parlamento önünde yaptığı konuşmada Rusya'nın kendisine göre hatalarla dolu demokrasiye geçiş şeklini eleştirdi.
Edebiyat hayatı
Soljenitsin´in romanlari hapis ve savaş deneyimlerini anlatır. Ivan Denisoviç´in Yaşamında Bir Gün (1962) ve İlk Çember (1964) hapis sahneleri icerir. Kanser Koğuşu (1966) bir hastahanede gecmektedir. Hapishane ve hastahane imgelerini toplumsal simgeler olarak kullanarak yazar, devrimci ideallerle sert politik gerceklikler arasindaki celiskiyi gösterir. Kahramanlari, tiranlik ve zulüm üzerindeki onurun zaferini belirtirler.
Soljenitsin bu bağlamda, Kirmizi Tekerlek adinda dört ciltlik uzun bir tarihsel roman tasarlamistir. Birinci cilt, Ağustos 1914 (1971) 1914´deki 1. Dünya Savasi´ni anlatir. Bu romanin 1917 Ekim Devrimi´nin tarihsel anlamina vurgu yapan genisletilmis ve düzenlenmis bir baskisi 1989´da yayinlanmistir. Ikinci cilt, Kasim 1916 1993´de yayimlanmistir.
1960´ların sonu ve 1970´lerin başında, Sovyet hükümeti Soljenitsin´i romanlarında ülkesini küçük düşürdüğü icin suçlamış ve 1973´te Paris´te yayınladığı üç ciltlik Gulag Takımadaları, 1918-1956 romanından sonra da bu baskılarını arttırmıştır. Bu kitap, Sovyet hapishane kamplarının bir incelemesiydi. Gulag Takımadaları´nın iki cildi 1975´te, üçüncü cildi de 1976´da yayımlandi. Soljenitsin, Sovyetler Birliği´ndeki son yıllarından Görünmez Müttefikler (1971) ve Meşe ve Dana (1975) otobiyografilerinde bahsetmiştir. 1990´da, Sovyet hükümeti yazarın vatandaşlığını geri verdi ve Soljenitsin 1994´te Rusya´ya geri döndü.
I was born at Kislovodsk on 11th December, 1918. My father had studied philological subjects at Moscow University, but did not complete his studies, as he enlisted as a volunteer when war broke out in 1914. He became an artillery officer on the German front, fought throughout the war and died in the summer of 1918, six months before I was born. I was brought up by my mother, who worked as a shorthand-typist, in the town of Rostov on the Don, where I spent the whole of my childhood and youth, leaving the grammar school there in 1936. Even as a child, without any prompting from others, I wanted to be a writer and, indeed, I turned out a good deal of the usual juvenilia. In the 1930s, I tried to get my writings published but I could not find anyone willing to accept my manuscripts. I wanted to acquire a literary education, but in Rostov such an education that would suit my wishes was not to be obtained. To move to Moscow was not possible, partly because my mother was alone and in poor health, and partly because of our modest circumstances. I therefore began to study at the Department of Mathematics at Rostov University, where it proved that I had considerable aptitude for mathematics. But although I found it easy to learn this subject, I did not feel that I wished to devote my whole life to it. Nevertheless, it was to play a beneficial role in my destiny later on, and on at least two occasions, it rescued me from death. For I would probably not have survived the eight years in camps if I had not, as a mathematician, been transferred to a so-called sharashia, where I spent four years; and later, during my exile, I was allowed to teach mathematics and physics, which helped to ease my existence and made it possible for me to write. If I had had a literary education it is quite likely that I should not have survived these ordeals but would instead have been subjected to even greater pressures. Later on, it is true, I began to get some literary education as well; this was from 1939 to 1941, during which time, along with university studies in physics and mathematics, I also studied by correspondence at the Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature in Moscow.
In 1941, a few days before the outbreak of the war, I graduated from the Department of Physics and Mathematics at Rostov University. At the beginning of the war, owing to weak health, I was detailed to serve as a driver of horsedrawn vehicles during the winter of 1941-1942. Later, because of my mathematical knowledge, I was transferred to an artillery school, from which, after a crash course, I passed out in November 1942. Immediately after this I was put in command of an artillery-position-finding company, and in this capacity, served, without a break, right in the front line until I was arrested in February 1945. This happened in East Prussia, a region which is linked with my destiny in a remarkable way. As early as 1937, as a first-year student, I chose to write a descriptive essay on "The Samsonov Disaster" of 1914 in East Prussia and studied material on this; and in 1945 I myself went to this area (at the time of writing, autumn 1970, the book August 1914 has just been completed).
I was arrested on the grounds of what the censorship had found during the years 1944-45 in my correspondence with a school friend, mainly because of certain disrespectful remarks about Stalin, although we referred to him in disguised terms. As a further basis for the "charge", there were used the drafts of stories and reflections which had been found in my map case. These, however, were not sufficient for a "prosecution", and in July 1945 I was "sentenced" in my absence, in accordance with a procedure then frequently applied, after a resolution by the OSO (the Special Committee of the NKVD), to eight years in a detention camp (at that time this was considered a mild sentence).
I served the first part of my sentence in several correctional work camps of mixed types (this kind of camp is described in the play, The Tenderfoot and the Tramp). In 1946, as a mathematician, I was transferred to the group of scientific research institutes of the MVD-MOB (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of State Security). I spent the middle period of my sentence in such "SPECIAL PRISONS" (The First Circle). In 1950 I was sent to the newly established "Special Camps" which were intended only for political prisoners. In such a camp in the town of Ekibastuz in Kazakhstan (One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich), I worked as a miner, a bricklayer, and a foundryman. There I contracted a tumour which was operated on, but the condition was not cured (its character was not established until later on).
One month after I had served the full term of my eight-year sentence, there came, without any new judgement and even without a "resolution from the OSO", an administrative decision to the effect that I was not to be released but EXILED FOR LIFE to Kok-Terek (southern Kazakhstan). This measure was not directed specially against me, but was a very usual procedure at that time. I served this exile from March 1953 (on March 5th, when Stalin's death was made public, I was allowed for the first time to go out without an escort) until June 1956. Here my cancer had developed rapidly, and at the end of 1953, I was very near death. I was unable to eat, I could not sleep and was severely affected by the poisons from the tumour. However, I was able to go to a cancer clinic at Tashkent, where, during 1954, I was cured (The Cancer Ward, Right Hand). During all the years of exile, I taught mathematics and physics in a primary school and during my hard and lonely existence I wrote prose in secret (in the camp I could only write down poetry from memory). I managed, however, to keep what I had written, and to take it with me to the European part of the country, where, in the same way, I continued, as far as the outer world was concerned, to occupy myself with teaching and, in secret, to devote myself to writing, at first in the Vladimir district (Matryona's Farm) and afterwards in Ryazan.
During all the years until 1961, not only was I convinced that I should never see a single line of mine in print in my lifetime, but, also, I scarcely dared allow any of my close acquaintances to read anything I had written because I feared that this would become known. Finally, at the age of 42, this secret authorship began to wear me down. The most difficult thing of all to bear was that I could not get my works judged by people with literary training. In 1961, after the 22nd Congress of the U.S.S.R. Communist Party and Tvardovsky's speech at this, I decided to emerge and to offer One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.
Such an emergence seemed, then, to me, and not without reason, to be very risky because it might lead to the loss of my manuscripts, and to my own destruction. But, on that occasion, things turned out successfully, and after protracted efforts, A.T. Tvardovsky was able to print my novel one year later. The printing of my work was, however, stopped almost immediately and the authorities stopped both my plays and (in 1964) the novel, The First Circle, which, in 1965, was seized together with my papers from the past years. During these months it seemed to me that I had committed an unpardonable mistake by revealing my work prematurely and that because of this I should not be able to carry it to a conclusion.
It is almost always impossible to evaluate at the time events which you have already experienced, and to understand their meaning with the guidance of their effects. All the more unpredictable and surprising to us will be the course of future events.
From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1968-1980, Editor-in-Charge Tore Frängsmyr, Editor Sture Allén, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1993
This autobiography/biography was written at the time of the award and first published in the book series Les Prix Nobel. It was later edited and republished in Nobel Lectures. To cite this document, always state the source as shown above.